Complied by Lisa Blanchette, Events Editor
Visit our Events Calendar for details on all these events and events to come.
Holiday Botanical Bonanza (Through 12/22), 8:30 am-1:30 pm, Sanford Regional Technical Center, 100 Alumni Blvd
A Family for ME Live Q & A, Noon-1 pm & 6-7 pm, Online
Municipal Operations and Property Subcommittee Meeting, 8:30 am, Online
Public Safety Subcommittee Meeting, 11 am, Online
Therapy Dog Story Time, 11 am (during regular Pre-K story time), Louis B Goodall Memorial Library, 1364 Main St.
Red Cross Blood Drive, Noon-4:30 pm, Preble Lodge #143, 16 Elm St.
Zoning Subcommittee Meeting, 1 pm, Online
Matthew Meal, 5:30-6:30 pm, St. Thomas School, 69 North Ave.
MCS/SPE PTA Joint Meeting, 5:30-6:30 pm, Margaret Chase Smith School, 248 Twombley Rd.
Land Bank Authority Meeting, 8:45 am, Online
Fire Station Working Group, 11 am-Noon, Online
Make It/Take It Craft-3D Christmas Tree, 2-5 pm, Springvale Public Library, 443 Main St.
Paint Night with Lizz, 5-7 pm, Pilot’s Cove Café, 199 Airport Rd.
Snapshots with Santa for MCS Families, 5:30-6:30 pm, Margaret Chase Smith School, 248 Twombly Rd.
Trims for the Troops and Pizza, 6-7 pm, Operation Ray of Light, 909 Main St.
Winter Band Concert/Sanford Middle School Band and Chorus, 6:30-8:30 pm, Sanford Performing Arts Center, 100 Alumni Blvd.
17th Annual Holiday Tea, 11 am-3 pm, Springvale Public Library, 443 Main St.
Movie Night at CJL (for CJL Families), 5:30-7 pm, Carl J. Lamb School, 233 Shaw’s Ridge Rd.
Annual Christmas Party at the Historical Society, 5:30-7 pm, Sanford-Springvale Historical Society, 505 Main St., Springvale
Membership Meeting for Southern Maine Sno-Goers, 7-8 pm, Sanford-Springvale Fish & Game Club, 449 Country Club Rd.
What the Dickens, An Improvised Christmas Carol by Stranger Than Fiction, 7-9 pm, Nasson Community Center & Little Theatre, 457 Main St., Springvale
Corner Cupboard, 10 am-Noon, Sanford Unitarian Universalist Church, 5 Lebanon St.
Goodwin House Tours, 10 am-1 pm, 505 Main St., Springvale
Sanford Food Pantry, 10 am-Noon, Sanford Food Pantry, 1204 Main St.
Baby/Toddler Rhyme Time, 10:30 am, Louis B. Goodall Memorial Library, 1364 Main St.
Pre-K Story Time, 11 am, Louis B. Goodall Memorial Library, 1364 Main St.
Free Lunch at Sanford Housing Authority’s Sunset Towers Hosted by York County Shelter Program, Noon–1 pm, 941 Main St. (Tuesdays & Thursdays)
Bingo, 4 pm (doors open) 6 pm (games start), Sanford Elks Lodge, 13 Elm St.
Lego Builders Club, 2:30-4:30 pm, Louis B. Goodall Memorial Library, 1364 Main St.
Poetry Group, 5-7 pm, Louis B. Goodall Memorial Library, 1364 Main St. (2nd, 3rd & 4th Wednesday of the month)
Wednesday Night Bite Free Community Meal, 6-7 pm, Curtis Lake Church, 38 Westview Dr.
Free Lunch at Sanford Housing Authority’s Sunset Towers, Hosted by York County
Shelter Program Noon–1 pm, 941 Main St. (Tuesdays & Thursdays)
Food Bank at St. Therese of Lisieux, Noon-2 pm, Holy Family Church, 66 North Ave.
Free Community Meal, 5 pm, New Beginnings Christian Church, 181 Grammar Rd.
Toddler Time, 9-11 am, Sanford Community Adult Education, 668 Main St.
Produce Pantry, 10 am-Noon, Salvation Army, 871 Main St.
Chamber Talk with Rick Stanley, 7-8 am, Radio Station 104.3 The Oldies
12/18 Mindfulness and Sound Therapy with Sarah Daigle
12/19 Site Plan Review Committee Meeting
12/19 City Council Meeting
12/20 Planning Board Meeting
12/23 Baby Blessings
12/23 Goodwin House Tours
12/24 Local Church Listings for Christmas Eve Services
Visit our Events Calendar for details on all these events and events to come.
Check Sanford School Department sports schedules here.
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Compiled by Lisa Blanchette Visit our Events Calendar for details on these events and on events to come. ONGOING…
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