Search Results for: campground

Council Passes Campground Ordinance

CabinPro Park Model Camper. Photo: By Jack McAdam After hearing from members of the public on the issue again, the City Council on Nov. 12 approved an ordinance on the development of new campgrounds in Sanford. The vote was 5 to 2, with councilors Nathan Hitchcock and Jonathan Martell opposed. The ordinance requires a 75-foot setback from adjacent properties, which includes a 50-foot visual buffer that must be at least 8 feet high. The Planning Board will have the…

Council Addresses Campgrounds, Needle Exchange, More

Volunteer interpreters Dr. Brendan Spinelli and Dr. Joshua Pongan were recognized by the City Council as Extra Mile Day Heroes. Photo: WSSR-TV By Zendelle Bouchard After hearing from residents and campground owners unhappy with a proposed ordinance regulating new campgrounds in Sanford and Springvale, the City Council on Oct. 15 decided to seek a compromise measure that can be voted on next month. Councilors also responded to online discussion about the fire station project, advocated for a change in the…

Campground Rules Move Forward

By Gail Burnett A controversial campground ordinance moved one step closer to enactment Sept. 18 when the Sanford Planning Board voted to send it on to the City Council. The ordinance, revised after a Sept. 4 public hearing, would set a minimum size for any new campground at five acres and require a 75-foot setback and a 50-foot vegetated buffer from abutting property. Each campsite would have to be 200 square feet or larger and have off-street parking. Campgrounds could…

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